Sure. I tried it too. My fish love the shrimp. You have to cut the shrimp up in very small pieces so you fish won't choke on them. Just give them enough for five minutes of eating each time. Basically goldfish will eat anything that fits in their mouth. 作者: 鱼迷浩子 时间: 2015-11-16 09:38
I feed them raw shrimp 作者: 仨儿 时间: 2015-11-16 09:40
作者: 非常操作 时间: 2015-11-16 09:43
很不错的 作者: 桑梓 时间: 2015-11-16 09:49
什么都看不懂!!! 作者: tuxi 时间: 2015-11-16 09:51
It means ji(1) beng(3) shang(4) 作者: 北京赵 时间: 2015-11-16 09:54
哈哈哈,还有拼音,,明白了 作者: 心轻若雲 时间: 2015-11-16 09:57
Thanks for your attention & advice.非常感谢关注和建议,与我一起活跃在西半球的鱼友们。也希望国内的鱼友起床后参与讨论,不吝赐教,使国鱼在全球都繁盛。